Bar code: 8001651333952
Type of Bottle: reggiana 75 uvag tappo fungo
Format: 0,75 l
Type of closure: tappo sughero fungo birondellato
N° of pieces per pack:6
Package Bar code: 8001651333976
Package height cm: 31,50
Package length cm: 26,50
Package depth cm: 17,50
Package weight Kg: 7,10
Type of package 6 x 1 sagrestana (blu)
N° of packs per row: 21
N° of row per pallet: 4
N° of packs per pallet: 84
Type of pallet: epal
Pallet weight kg: 596,40
Pallet height cm: 140,00
Capsule type: gabbietta nera